Drainage Specialist and Solutions
Laser Plumbing Newcastle provides ‘Totally Dependable’ diversionary drainage solutions for clients across Newcastle, the Hunter Region, Central Coast and Port Stephens. Laser Plumbing has the knowledge and experience to fix your stormwater plumbing and drainage issues, whether it’s fixing simple blockages or complex stormwater issues.
Inadequate drainage will impact the foundations and integrity of your property.
Laser Plumbing will supply a solution that will resolve your drainage issues. This is truly a specialised service misunderstood by many plumbers.
A diversionary drainage expert is someone skilled in managing water flow through diversion techniques to prevent flooding or water damage in specific areas, around a property, its foundations and structure.

Our Services Include:
- Stormwater plumbing upgrade
- Flood protection
- Water mitigation
- Stormwater plumbing remediation
- Stormwater management plans
- Stormwater design
- Stormwater drain cleaning
- Stormwater CCTV camera inspections
- Rainwater storage and reuse
- Stormwater easements
- Stormwater pits & pipework
- Stormwater pumps
- Subsoil ag drainage
- Charged stormwater
- Stormwater certification
- Stormwater inspections

Schools & sporting Stadiums

Aged Care facilities

Shopping centres


Manufacturing and Industry
Complete Plumbing Support across Newcastle and Surrounds
At Laser Plumbing, we understand what people and businesses need. We offer the highest level of responsiveness and reliability, including online job management and reporting for commercial clients. Our highly qualified team of plumbers can provide you with all the services you would expect, backed up by our "TOTALLY DEPENDABLE" Guarantee.